The Hameko Office
German philosopher and Prussian statesman Wilhelm von Humboldt once said, “There is no freedom without security!” How true, as especially in economically troubled times a safe haven is “worth a mint” in the truest sense of the word. This personal safe haven for private customers and dealers was opened at the end of 2012 in Stoertebeker House: the Hanseatic mint and precious metal office, or Hanseatisches Muenz- und Edelmetall-Kontor, abbreviated as HAMEKO.
HAMEKO completes the coin trading house with its worldwide mail order business, its international trade fair appearances and its own auctions. It provides both collectors and investors with all that the world of coins has to offer. In addition to classic coins from ancient to modern times, there are numerous modern investment coins and bars of gold and silver available on the premises.
Hameko: Independence from banks, with anonymity
The office staff develops meaningful solutions for every “type of money and investment” in individual consultations – including consideration of pension planning. Furthermore, coins, entire collections, jewellery and watches are expertly valued here without obligation, as well as bought for cash. HAMEKO is the safe haven for coin collectors, dealers, banks, investors and of course especially for people who want to protect and expand their assets.
The HAMEKO security package includes an anonymous, state-of-the-art safety deposit box facility which is also at the heart of the office. There are 1,000 safety deposit boxes available for customers here. “The facility is in some ways reminiscent of the high security area of the Pentagon,” the Hamburg media reported after completion. The materials used, such as marble and plaster moulding, give the counter hall that special something. The state-of-the-art safety deposit box facility features six different box sizes and offers the customer the ideal repository for valuables.
At HAMEKO, quality, integrity and security are always at the forefront.
HAMEKO customers benefit from 100 percent independence from banks and complete anonymity. The safety deposit box facility is based on a TÜV-approved security concept. Of course this is verified by VDS certification – the relevant standard for security concepts from the German Insurance Association. At HAMEKO quality, integrity and security are always at the forefront.
By specialising in different areas of specialist coin trading, HAMEKO is able to meet virtually any customer requirements.
Whether cash or securities investments, coin purchasing or secure, anonymous storage of high-value goods – at the Hanseatic mint and precious metal office, “HAMEKO”, everything is available from one competent provider.
Your contact person
We are here for you.
Office manager
Phone number:
040/257 99-401
The experts at the Hanseatic mint and precious metal office can be contacted on:
Phone: ++49 (0) 40-257 99 400
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
We look forward to your call or your visit to our office
Süderstraße 288
20537 Hamburg
Distribution Lines

Emporium Hamburg Münzhandelsgesellschaft mbH
Stoertebeker-Haus, Süderstraße 288, 20537 Hamburg
Telefon: 040 - 25 799 - 0 • Fax: 040 - 25 799 - 100
E-Mail: info@emporium-hamburg.com
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