Get in contact
Tel.: (040) 25799-0 | Fax: (040) 25799-100 | E-Mail:
How to find us
The Störtebeker Haus, which is also the headquarters of the EMPORIUM GRUPPE, is located in the immediate vicinity of downtown Hamburg and near the A1 autobahn at Süderstrasse 288. Whether you are traveling by car, train or arriving by airplane, you can easily get to our house in the heart of the city of Hamburg.
Directions by train
Take the 112 bus towards the Braune Brücke from the HBF/Steintorwall bus stop at the central station in Hamburg. Then exit the bus at the “Schadesweg” stop. Go to the right down the Süderstrasse. You will find the Störtebeker Haus app. 100 meters down this street.
Directions by car
If you’re coming by car you can find customer parking in the inner courtyard (enter via Borstelsmannsweg), as well as public parking in the immediate vicinity of the Störtebeker Haus. You can calculate an exact route here:
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Distribution Lines

Emporium Hamburg Münzhandelsgesellschaft mbH
Stoertebeker-Haus, Süderstraße 288, 20537 Hamburg
Telefon: 040 - 25 799 - 0 • Fax: 040 - 25 799 - 100
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